Get used to different

There is a series based on the life of Jesus that I have been watching. It is not only the best series on this topic that I have seen but it is the best series on TV that I have ever seen. It is called The Chosen.

The Chosen is a free app that can be downloaded and watched on phone or tablet or cast to the TV screen. Dvds can also be bought online.


There are many moments that have brought tears to my eyes when depicting the sheer love and grace of God. 


In one particular episode they show Jesus and his disciples, walking through the dusty streets looking dirty and sweaty as they would have in those times and climate. It shows Matthew the tax collector pristine and finely dressed in his position of daily work collecting taxes and guarded by a Roman guard. He is shown to be hated by the Jews for using his talent and gift for mathematics against God’s people and being employed by the enemy, the Romans. 


In this scene Jesus stops and looks at Matthew and says “Matthew, follow me.” The disciples are shocked and horrified that he would call such a person to follow him. Matthew is also surprised as he knows that anyone connected to this street preacher Jesus of Nazareth detests him. Matthew asks “Who? Me? You want me to join you? ” Peter hurries up to Jesus saying “Hey, hey what are you doing? Do you have any idea what this guy has done? Do you even know him?” Jesus doesn’t unlock his gaze from Matthews for a second as he simply replies “Yes”. That moment in this episode is so powerful as you see it dawning on Matthew the hated tax collector, that Jesus the miracle working street preacher, of which he doesn’t know much about but is intrigued by and drawn to, says that he knows him, he knows what he has done and yet he still wants and chooses Mathew to follow him. 


In this scene Matthew immediately starts packing up his things and leaving his tax collectors booth, the disciples are incredulous and not looking particularly on board with this decision. The Roman guard is furious and shocked as he asks Matthew “Are you crazy? You have money, Quintas protects you, there is no Jew better than you, and you’re going to throw it all away?!” Matthew simply smiles and replies “Yes.” For once in his privileged, lonely, hated life this makes sense, he may not know what the future holds, it may seem crazy but it still feels right. 


Peter doesn’t understand what he is seeing. He shakes his head and says to Jesus “I don’t get it.” Jesus replies, “You didn’t get it when I chose you either, ” Peter replies, “Yes but this is different, I’m not a tax collector, ” Jesus replies :


“Get used to different.” 


Jesus didn’t do things that were the norm and He still doesn’t. When God leads us to do something it is often something that we wouldn’t have thought of ourselves, and every time it requires the type of faith of stepping out of the boat into water when we see no dry land. 


During his years of ministry my dad has had many situations where he was prompted to travel somewhere to minister to someone, often when it only looked like there was enough provision for a one way ticket, but trusting God for the rest and safe return. 


In my life at one point I was praying for opportunities to minister in other churches. I had a devastating experience of losing a baby in October and five months later I was invited to speak at a church service on Mother’s Day. “Really God?” I prayed. “Your answer to prayer is to have me invited to minister at another church on Mother’s Day of all days just months after losing a baby?! What if I break down on stage? What if I can’t do it?” Time and time again opportunities arise when we have to rely on God’s strength. In our weakness He is strong. That service turned out to be a very blessed time where I was able to bring into the ‘chocolates and flowers we love our mums usual talk’, the fact that mothers day is hard for some people and why. Many approached me after the service to thank me for acknowledging loss in a mother’s day service, something they had never heard before, it blessed them because of their own losses. Would I have arranged the talk the way I did had the timing not been like this? Probably not. 


Get used to different. 


Once on holiday in London my husband Pete and I were walking past a man who was begging for money. I felt uneasy and started talking loudly at a hundred miles an hour looking the other way, trying to look engrossed in conversation and walking very fast.  I was walking and chattering away so fast in fact that I hadn’t realised that Pete was no longer with me.  I suddenly stopped and looked behind me, shocked to see Pete walking the man who was begging into a nearby restaurant.  I then stood, waited and awkwardly shuffled my foot, now feeling guilty that my reaction had been to turn away and run, while the reaction of Pete was to stop and help.  Pete walked the man into the restaurant, handed some money to the Manager and asked them to serve the man whatever he wanted to the value of the money.  Pete wished him well and continued on his way as we were running late, although he did come to wish that he had stayed and chatted with him.  When we naturally want to turn away and run God often prompts us to stop and help.  Often it isn’t what we normally want to do, it is different.


Get used to different.


If we want to follow the One who while he taught on earth didn’t rely on His own strength alone, loves the outcast, is passionate about the Gospel, doesn’t mind what others think of Him, talks about forgiveness, loving your enemy and turning the other cheek, life is going to be different, because that is nothing like the social media, people pleasing, selfie obsessed, wordly Church world that we are currently living in. 


Living this way though means like Matthew the tax collector, even if it is usual for others to disregard you or not see potential in you, getting used to different means accepting that God does love you and He sees the potential in you. 


Get used to different.